【英語多益通】日本新年號公佈 天皇退位英文怎麼說?




To step down 卸任、辭職

According to the survey of the Kyodo news agency, after Akihito suggested he wanted to step down, more than 85% of the people agreed that the abdication should be legalized.(根據日本共同社民調指出,在明仁天皇提出想卸任的意願後,85%民衆支持讓退位合法化。)

step down字面意思是走下去,也有下臺、辭職之意,與多益常考單字resign爲同義字,然而step down通常指的是較高階職位如總理、主席主管職務的卸任,不是一般職位的辭職。

Natalie has stepped down as chairperson.(娜塔莉辭去主席的職務。)

除了使用在不同的職位,step down還能用來描述退休或因某些原因被迫卸任的情形,而resign則僅有辭職之意。

退休:Mr. Malone stepped down as President after 18 years running the nation's biggest chain of auto dealerships.(馬龍先生在經營全國最大連鎖汽車經銷商18年後,以總裁的職位退休了。)

被迫卸任:The CEO of PG&E Corp. stepped down due to potential liability caused by California wildfires.(太平洋瓦斯公司執行長因承擔加州野火的責任引咎辭職。)若僅是一般職位的離職,則是用resign來描述。Some people resign right after receiving their year-end bonus.(有人在領完年終後就馬上離職。)


Emeritus 榮譽退休的

Out of respect for Emperor Akihito’s accumulated achievements, he will be called “His Majesty the Emperor Emeritus” after his abdication on April 30.(爲表示對明仁天皇成就的敬重,在他四月三十日卸任後將會得到太上天皇的尊稱。)


Although Professor Emeritus is retired, they may still have some teaching schedules and are still eligible for using school facilities and benefits.(雖然榮譽教授已退休,他們仍可能還有教學時數且能使用校園資源與福利。)

Emeritus雖爲形容詞,通常接在名詞前面,但由於它是特殊稱謂,因此常看見將其置於名詞後的用法,以榮譽退休的科學家來說,可稱爲emeritus scientist或scientist emeritus。


A lot of well-known public figures have received honorary degrees at commencement ceremonies.(許多知名的公衆人物都在大學畢業典禮時取得榮譽學位。)


Emperor Akihito has devoted himself to promoting reconciliation with former victims of Japanese wartime aggression and drawing the imperial family closer to the people.(明仁天皇致力於促進日本與當時戰爭受害者間的和諧,並設法拉近皇室與民衆的距離。)


Work-family reconciliation plays a major role in the well-being of employees, having impacts on the individual, social, and organizational level.(工作與家庭和諧對員工的身心健康扮演着極爲關鍵的角色,對個人、社交與企業組織等層面皆有影響。)


The meeting successfully achieved reconciliation between the two departments.(這場會議成功讓兩個部門達成和解。)

reconciliation通常後面會用with或between這兩個介係詞做連接:「與某人和解」the reconciliation with someone「A與B間的和諧」the reconciliation between A and B

To succeed繼承、接任

After 30 years on the Chrysanthemum Throne, Emperor Akihiro will be succeeded by his eldest son, the 59-year-old Crown Prince Naruhito on May 1.(在三十年的菊花王朝任期後,明仁天皇的王位將在五月一日由現年59歲的長子德仁天皇繼承。)


She will succeed Mr. Smith as Editor-in-chief.(她將接任史密斯先生總編輯的職務。)


The project manager has succeeded in getting enough funding from the government.(專案經理成功向政府取得足夠資金。)



1. The senior manager acted as a mediator and tried to bring about _____ between the two parties.(A) domination(B) immersion(C) reconciliation(D) termination

2. TBC Corporate named one of their top sales managers to _____ as chief executive officer after a turbulent period.(A) succeed(B) succeeding(C) succeeded (D) succession


1. 正解爲(C)。題意爲「資深經理扮演着調停者的角色設法促成雙方的和解。」選項(A) domination「主導」、(B) immersion「沉浸」、(D) termination「終止」,因此僅(C) reconciliation「和解」,符合文意爲正確答案

2. 正解爲(A)。題意爲「在一段動盪時期後,TBC集團任命其中一位頂尖業務經理來接任執行長的職位。」name someone to do something爲「任命人來做某件事」,後面必須接to加原型動詞,因此答案爲(A) succeed。

延伸閱讀》爲克服英語溝通難題 他用迪士尼歌曲英文