日韓也愛買保險 與我國總保費收入包辦全亞洲一半  




財團法人保險事業發展中心在9年前(2009 年5月)與日本損害保險事業總合研究所(GIIJ)簽署合作諒解備忘錄,長期以來雙方保持友好合作關係。而在6年前(2012年2月)也跟韓國保險開發院(KIDI)簽署合作諒解備忘錄,兩個單位常互相交換髮展保險相關經驗

保發中心今年特別邀請GIIJ 與KIDI合作規劃臺、日、韓的保險專家齊聚一堂分享實務經驗,舉辦第一屆的東亞太平洋保險論壇。會中還邀請日商三井住友海上集團的明臺產險總經理陳嘉文中信金控子公司的臺灣人壽總經理莊中慶說明臺灣保險的現況趨勢與未來。










今年在臺北舉辦首屆「東亞太平洋保險論壇」,主題爲「攜手前瞻 共創未來」,包含拓展國外市場資金運用、保險科技發展與因應風險社會等各個面向。探討的子題分別有前進國際保險市場新利基、保險科技發展市場運作、洞見保險資金運用新方針、保險業對風險社會因應之道。


The Taiwan Insurance Institute (TII) hosted the East Asia Pacific Insurance Forum2018 at Chang Yung-Fa Foundation International Convention Center on 29 August 2018.

Around 300 participants including speakers and executives of the insurance institutes and companies from Japan, Korea and Taiwan attended the Forum.

TII, GIIJ and KIDI are long term MOU partners with cordial friendship. TII signed MOU with GIIJ and KIDI on 26 May 2009 and 2 February 2012 respectively.

The Forum is designed to enhance the cooperation among insurance industries in three markets through sharing training resources.

TII in conjunction with GIIJ and KIDI have invited experts from Japan, Korea and Taiwan to share experiences and expertise with each other.

The theme of the Forum has been developed as “Collaborating to Create a Better Future”, and this Forum will discuss common issues among the three insurance industries, including overseas market expansion, insurance fund allocation, InsurTech and concrete measures to deal with the risk-affecting society.

Topics for the discussion sessions include New Niches and Their Advancement in the Asian Insurance Market,Regulatory Reflections on InsurTech, New Approaches in Insurers’ Investment Strategy and The Strategy for the Risk-Affecting Society.

Speakers of the Forum from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan shared their insight, expertise and experience on various leading issues in the field of insurance.

The participants also had pleasant discussion with each other. The Forum successfully built up a mechanism for the interaction among GIIJ, KIDI and TII.

Through this Forum, it is hoped that the insurance industries in the East Asia Pacific region could get together to create a better future.