真鳥版「垃圾鴿」再見...甩頭灰鸚Birdy病逝 疑花生惹禍




23歲的Birdy從小聽到音樂就會興致勃勃地跳起「甩頭舞」,全世界許多人都看過牠隨着媽媽「Go Birdy!」的節奏,奔放甩頭的模樣大家好奇「怎麼都不會暈?」,而且這個樣子和超紅網路貼圖「垃圾鴿」簡直一模一樣。然而Birdy的粉絲專頁和Instagram當地時間6日貼出「安息吧Birdy,我們會想你」的照片,Birdy已經飛上天堂跳牠自豪的「頭部車輪」了。

Birdy the Dancing Parrot(@birdy.african.grey.parrot)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 8月 月 25 6:03上午 PDT 張貼





Birdy has not had his procedure yet. I took video of him before we left for the vet. THIS IS ASPERGILLOSIS! Symptoms range from respiratory distress, gasping, accelerated breathing, voice changes, abnormal droppings, emaciation, regurgitation, poor appetite, diarrhea, anorexia, gout, increased thirst, nasal discharge, conjunctivitis, just to name a few. I’m so angry because although it can come from environmental factors, Birdy ate a contaminated peanut. I had no idea PEANUTS ARE DANGEROUS FOR PARROTS. In general they are unhealthy because they have little nutritional value but mainly because the shells can carry aspergillis which is a deadly mold especially for parrots. Even unshelled loose peanuts can carry the mold if they have been in contact with a moldy shell. I found out about peanuts through my vet when it was too late. What’s more frustrating although Avian vets agree #nopeanutsforparrots parrot food manufacturers continue to add peanuts both shelled and unshelled to their food. After all it’s what the people want and they want to make some money. Infuriating! Birdy has been struggling since January. We completely changed his diet. No peanuts which were his favorite or sunflower seeds. We threw away the entire bag of food we had because anything in contact with the moldy shell or peanut can carry the mold. He takes 3-4 medicines twice a day by syringe and a nebulizer treatment 1-2 times a day. We did all the right things but this mold is so aggressive it stopped responding to meds which is why we need the endoscopy. Please google #aspergillosis in parrots and read about it. There are also environmental factors like poor ventilation, poor sanitation, dusty conditions, and close confinement can increase the chance the microscopic spores will be inhaled. Please continue to share Birdy’s story. This video is so hard for me to watch but I thought maybe it will help convince those of you who have argued with me “but my Grey loves peanuts! I’ll give him human grade peanuts”. ANY peanut can carry the mold. You have no idea how the peanut was stored before it ended up in your home. Don’t take the chance or your bird will inevitably suffer like my little man.

Birdy the Dancing Parrot(@birdy.african.grey.parrot)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 12月 月 6 11:10上午 PST 張貼