《無恥家庭》告別「伊恩」! 宣佈第9季中途退出



Showtime 美劇《無恥家庭》(Shameless)繼女主角艾美羅森(Emmy Rossum)宣告將於第九季離開後,劇中飾演弟弟的「伊恩卡梅隆莫納漢(Cameron Monaghan)也發佈退出消息,即將播出的最新集即爲他的最後演出集數

卡梅隆莫納漢在 Instagram 發表退出感言,表示自己在劇中擔任近十年的固定班底,當時拍攝試播集時年僅 15 歲,對於能與這部劇一同成長感到相當幸運。過程中認識許多好友家人以及最棒的同事們,這是一名非常幸運的演員才能夢寐以求的。

I have been a series regular on this show for roughly ten years. I was the tender age of fifteen when we shot the pilot, and I came of age in so many ways, both legally and personally. I was very lucky to mature and grow with this show. Experiencing so many firsts, maturing as an actor, a professional, and a human. In the process gaining friends, family, and the best coworkers a very lucky actor could ask for, and for this I can be nothing but gracious. All good things come to an end. An old cliche, but one that rings true with a sincerity and clarity especially in moments like these. Everything ends. The next episode will be my last. I have known since last year, but I didn’t want to give it away too early as I wanted this season to be a surprise for the audience, allowing them to experience Ian’s unsure journey with his character. This role has been a joy to inhabit, a wild and special ride, and I’d like to thank #Shameless as well as you, the viewers, for being there with him. Goodbye, Ian Clayton Gallagher. We’ll meet again?

Cameron Monaghan(@cameronmonaghan)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 8 日 下午 1:24 張貼


現年 25 歲的卡梅隆莫納漢爲童星出身, 2011 年起參演代表作《無恥家庭》,飾演家中的第三個孩子伊恩加拉格爾(Ian Gallagher)。除了《無恥家庭》外,近年他也於 FOX 美劇《高譚》(Gotham)分飾兩角神經質演出反派角色受到讚賞。

《無恥家庭》第九季正美國 Showtime 頻道播出。(variety)

