長江玉幣涉吸金3.8億 母公司3點聲明「真的有買島」切割臺籍顧問












Regarding the report by the Taiwanese media on February 26, 2021, that the investment and trading of Singapore's Wei Chao Company and its subsidiary TIONG KANG HOLDINGS PTE.LTD in Australia's GREAT KEPPLE ISLAND are scams. The company's lawyers declare as follows


It is true that the Singapore Wei Chao company has started to negotiate and deal the island with the Australian government from 2017 to 2018, and signed a sales and purchase agreement with the Australian government in October 2018, and entered the actual transaction process.

Regarding the current status of the transaction, it is because some commercial conditions have not been met, so that the entire transaction cannot be successfully completed. However, the fact that the Wei Chao Company bought the island and the transaction actually occurred, the transaction process does exist, and there are related The documents are sufficient to prove that it is by no means a scam rumored by the outside world


The media reported that the transaction was fraudulent, which has seriously affected Wei Chao’s international reputation. Wei Chao publicly clarified here and appointed lawyer Anita Wang of Taiwan CF Joint Law Firm as the representative of Wei Chao’s speech in Taiwan.

If the Taiwanese media have any facts that they wish to understand or clarify, the appointed lawyer will speak on behalf of the Wei Chao company to defend the company's case, provided that it does not violate the provisions of the Taiwan law on the case under investigation and should comply with the non-disclosure of the investigation. Reputation and image, and hope that the public will not believe outside rumors, let alone spread false information, so as not to violate the law.




Regarding the issuance of TK Jade, in accordance with the local laws of Singapore where the Wei Chao company is registered, and the relevant laws of the common law country to which Singapore belongs, the issuance of TK Jade is a legal business. As for whether the transaction or use of TK Jade in Taiwan violates the laws At present, Taiwanese lawyers have been appointed to assist us in understanding Taiwan’s legal environment.

However, regarding the issuance of TK Jade, Wei Chao and TIONG KANG HOLDINGS have always been based on trusting professionals, that is, the professional opinions and plans put forward by Mr. Wu Ruanhong Dior, the former CEO of TIONG KANG HOLDINGS in Taiwan, and authorized by Wu Ruan Hongqian Dior, the CEO, is responsible for everything

Now that the business of the TK Jade issuance has been reported as an illegal business and has been subject to judicial investigation, Wei Chao company is surprised.

In addition to being willing and waiting for the investigation by the Taiwanese judicial authorities to clarify the case, Wei Chao Company is willing to clarify the case, and hereby expresses clearly that if the actions of Mr. Wu Ruanhong Dior cause damage to Wei Chao Company and TIONG KANG HOLDINGS, Wei Chao Company will appoint Taiwan lawyers filed a civil and criminal complaint against Mr. Wu Ruanhong Dior.
