以爲愛犬葬身5級大火 2天后在廢墟聽到奇蹟「汪汪」!

MIRACLES HAPPEN!!!! For the first time since the fire, today I finally got out and looked at the building. I saw the window of my room, and I couldn't believe how much was still left compared to the rest of the building...then I heard a bark. I called HPD and HFD, they walked the building, and found Rebel still ALIVE IN MY ROOM. I cannot even begin to understand how he survived, but REBEL IS ALIVE!!! My boy is alive


美國維吉尼亞哈里森堡一幢公寓發生五級火災,女大學生Kayla Marie Blake當時外出得知噩耗,絕望地認爲狗狗性命不保,沒想到2天后回到火災現場,竟聽見熟悉的吠叫聲!消防員把這隻「幸運汪汪」從廢墟中抱出來的一刻,所有人都感動地鼓掌。

Kayla Marie Blake在詹姆斯麥迪遜大學主修心理學,3年前她在收容所領養了狗狗Rebel,3月28日火災發生當時她恰巧出門,只留Rebel在家裡,「當我接到電話得知失火,我一直喊着要救Rebel,但是附近居民都說沒看到Rebel,消防員也告訴我父母,整棟公寓地板都被大火燒光,Rebel恐怕在劫難逃。」

隔了2天Kayla Marie Blake在朋友陪伴下回到公寓,看看有沒有什麼東西能夠保留,沒想到突然聽見熟悉的吠叫聲,她趕緊打電話請消防隊救援,「我當下又興奮又着急,很擔心Rebel傷勢嚴重。」

消防員打開3樓房間的門,總算書桌下發現躲藏着的狗狗。Kayla Marie Blake說,Rebel第一眼看到陌生人馬上警戒起來,「牠對消防員狂吼,直到看見我進到房間才安靜下來。」大家把Rebel抱出房間時,在一樓等待的人們全部鼓掌歡呼,消防員也說這真是一隻幸運的狗狗。

Rebel只有鼻子有些微燒傷,其他部分安然無恙,連獸醫都驚奇牠是怎麼在大火中活下來。雖然大火燒光了Kayla Marie Blake房間內所有東西,但是對她來說沒什麼比愛犬平安更重要。

Today, firefighters were dispatched for a public service call at Lois Ln., where the fire occurred on Thursday. To their surprise they made another pup rescue. Rebel, is one lucky pup. pic.twitter.com/20gotPrP9r