
你被 “raise” 和 “rise” 困擾過嗎?它們都有 “上升” 的意思,但經常被錯用。“太陽升起” 和 “提升稅收” 怎麼說?本期 “一分鐘英語” 教你如何正確使用近義詞 “raise” 和 “rise”。

Hi, I'm Sian for BBC Learning English. And today, we're going to look at the difference between 'raise' and 'rise'.

So 'raise' and 'rise' both refer to something going up, but there's a difference in how we use them.

'Raise' always needs a direct object – so if youraisesomething, you move it up. For example: I raisemy eyebrows when I'm surprised!

And it doesn't have to be literal – so: The government plan to raisetaxes.

Don't forget this is a regular verb, so the past and past participle are both 'raised'.

But with 'rise', there's no direct object. So if somethingrises, it goes up or increases by itself. The sunrisesat 6 a.m. at the moment.

Careful, this is an irregular verb so the past is 'rose' and the past participle is 'risen'.

用法總結 Raise vs rise

Both raise and rise refer to something going up, but there is a difference.

“Raise” 和 “rise” 作動詞時都有 “上升” 的意思,但它們的用法不同。

1. Raise

Raiseneeds a direct object - if youraisesomething you move it up. It has both literal and non-literal meanings and it is a regular verb, so it's past and past participle forms areraised.

動詞 “raise” 後需要加直接賓語,如:“raise something”,意思是 “把某物舉起、擡起、提起”。“Raise” 既可以指 “擡起具體的事物”,也可以表示 “增加,提高某事物”。“Raise” 是規則動詞,所以過去式和過去分詞均爲 “raised”。

I raise my eyebrows when I'm surprised.

The government plan to raise taxes.

He raised his voice at me in anger, but I forgave him.

2. Rise

Rise does not take a direct object - things riseor go up by themselves.Riseis an irregular verb so the past form isroseand the past participle isrisen.

動詞 “rise” 後不需要加直接賓語,如: “something rises”,意思是 “某物自己升起、升高”。“Rise” 是不規則動詞,它的過去時爲 “rose”,過去分詞爲 “risen”。

The sun rises at 6a.m.

The water level risestwice a day because of the tide.

The bird roseinto the air and flew away.