希臘中部6.3強震猛搖! 百棟建築「牆垮移位」
CCTV shows woman in clothes shop fleeing Greece earthquake while walls shake.The 6.2 magnitude quake hit central Greece, causing some damage to buildings.Get more videos from Sky News: https://t.co/r5o4CzcM4v pic.twitter.com/JwHCbuYYFx
Damages in Greece by the strong earthquake of magnitude 6.3 (strong earthquake of hours ago) * The aftershocks continue to occur in these last hours. pic.twitter.com/Vxj69zFy14
的撒利大區(Thessaly)區長艾格拉斯托斯(Costas Agorastos)在震央附近的達馬西村(Damasi)告訴法新社:「初步估計有100棟建物受損,我們尚未接獲有人受傷的消息。」