吳釗燮投書華爾街日報 蔡英文支持核能「昧於事實」
「臺灣選擇脆弱」社論中提及,民進黨總統參選人蔡英文10年前支持核電,如今卻改變立場反核,還提出風力、太陽能等昂貴卻不可靠的再生能源政策。吳釗燮29日以「Renewable Energy Is Not Dangerous for Taiwan(再生能源不會爲臺灣帶來危險)」爲題投書《華爾街日報》亞洲版澄清。
【吳釗燮投書華爾街日報中英對照全文】Renewable Energy Is Not Dangerous for Taiwan再生能源不會爲臺灣帶來危險Your July 23 editorial, “Taiwan Chooses Vulnerability,” which dismissed the Democratic Progressive Party’s goal of a nuclear-free Taiwan by 2015 as “fanciful,” invites clarification.貴報於7月23日刊出的社論〈臺灣選擇脆弱〉,抨擊民主進步黨於2025建立非核家園的目標爲「異想天開」,我們必須進行若干澄清。First, it must be noted that as Vice Premier in 2006-07, DPP Chair Tsai Ing-wen was duty-bound to implement the decisions made by the KMT-dominated legislature regarding the fourth nuclear plant. It is disingenuous to interpret this as support for nuclear power generally.首先我們必須指出,民進黨主席蔡英文在2006-07擔任行政院副院長期間,有義務執行國民黨佔多數的立法院對核四所做出的決議。若是將她的作爲詮釋爲對核能的支持,是昧於事實。Today the DPP is putting forth a comprehensive energy policy carefully crafted by energy and industry experts to achieve a holistic balance between supply and demand, through a combination of conservation and the development of renewables. This forward-looking approach is also closely associated with the DPP’s plans for Taiwan’s future economic growth, industrial innovation and job creation.目前民進黨正推動一套完整的能源政策,經過能源及產業專家仔細琢磨,希望結合節能措施與再生能源的發展,達成能源供給與需求的整體平衡。這個前瞻性的作法,同時與民進黨的經濟政策緊密結合,希望帶來經濟成長、產業創新與增加就業機會。The DPP seeks to expand power generation from renewable sources to account for 20% of the overall energy production by 2025. This is an ambitious goal, but one firmly grounded in reality: Taiwan is one of the world’s largest producers of high-quality solar cells and also holds enormous potential for developing sustainable energy from wind and biogas. To realize this potential, we envision a multipronged package of adjusted feed-in tariff rates and increased investment and subsidies to incentivize greater private-sector participation in developing these new energy sources.民進黨尋求在2025年將可再生能源的比例,提升至總髮電量百分之20。這是一個企圖心十足的計劃,卻也同時非常務實:臺灣是全世界生產最多高品質太陽能電池的產地之一,並且對發展風力、沼氣等再生能源有巨大的潛力。爲了實現這個潛力,我們提出的願景提出多面向政策配套,包括調整可再生能源回購電價,並且增加投資與補助,以提高私部門參與新能源開發的誘因。Furthermore, the DPP does not view the issue in simplistic terms of “replacing nuclear’s 18% share” of energy supplies through renewables, given that current power demand levels could already be reduced by 10% by implementing existing conservation methods. Additional energy savings facilitated by new technologies such as smart grids and smart meters will also feature prominently in our long-term plans.更有甚者,民進黨並非如該報詮釋將問題簡化爲「取代18%核電」,因爲透過既存的節約能源方案,就已經可以將目前的能源需求降低10%。我們的長程計劃中,也會善用其他節約能源的新科技,例如智慧電網和智慧電錶。The DPP is committed to keeping Taiwan safe, secure and prosperous in the long term for our citizens and neighbors, and our energy policies are aimed at meeting this commitment.爲了臺灣人民與周遭鄰國的福祉,民進黨致力於維繫臺灣的安全、安定與繁榮,而我們的能源政策也希望達成相同的承諾。