聽歌學英語:柔情似水的Beat It

可可英語 Beat it是一首搖滾名曲,入圍了搖滾名人堂史上500首經典之作,同時入圍滾石雜誌最佳100首搖滾吉他歌曲。這首歌曲由michael Jackson親手作詞作曲,並演唱,後來經過時任美國總統里根建議,將這首歌用在,一個勸導禁止酒駕公益廣告中。傑克遜本人也因此被裡根總統請至白宮,親自爲其頒發了“世界傑出青年獎”以及“特別貢獻獎”。同時傑克遜也憑藉《Beat It》這首歌獲得了第26屆格萊美最佳搖滾男歌手。在今天的節目裡,我要爲大家送上的是女聲版的beat it。如果說男歌手的聲線人煙感覺音符像吐出的菸圈陽剛有力,那麼女歌手嗓音就像是紅酒,充滿柔情,意猶未盡。


[1st Verse]

They Told Him

Don't You Ever Come Around Here

Don't Wanna See Your Face,

You Better Disappear

”The Fire's In Their Eyes

And Their Words Are Really Clear

So Beat It, Just Beat It

[2nd Verse]

You Better Run,

You Better Do What You Can

Don't Wanna See No Blood,

Don't Be A Macho Man

You Wanna Be Tough,

Better Do What You Can

So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad


Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It &

Just Beat It, Beat It

Just Beat It, Beat It

Just Beat It, Beat It

[3rd Verse]

They're Out To Get You,

Better Leave While You Can

Don't Wanna Be A Boy,

You Wanna Be A Man

You Wanna Stay Alive,

Better Do What You Can

So Beat It, Just Beat It

[4th Verse]

You Have To Show Them

That You're Really Not Scared

You're Playin' With Your Life,

This Ain't No Truth Or Dare

They'll Kick You, Then They Beat You,

Then They'll Tell You It's Fair

So Beat It, But You Wanna Be Bad


Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It


Just Beat It, Beat It, Beat It, Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fight

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It, Beat It