時論廣場》波蘭捐贈臺灣疫苗的背後(方恩格Ross Darrell Feingold)








2020 年,現任波蘭總統杜達(Andrzej Duda) 在當時的競選集會上表示,LGBT(同志文化)的意識形態比共產主義還更令人唾棄。同年,包括美國在內的50名駐波蘭大使和國際組織發出共同聲明,表示波蘭政府的歧視性政策是對於性別少數族羣與人權的威脅。然而在臺灣通過同婚、高呼人權勝利之時,臺灣的名字卻未出現在這些國際間的聯合聲明之中。

今年8月,波蘭衆議院(Sejm)通過了對媒體所有權法案的修改,迫使美國Discovery集團出售其在波蘭電視公司 「TVN」 的多數股權,其旗下新聞頻道 「TVN24」是少數僅存對波蘭政府持高度批評態度的當地媒體,有人稱此舉爲波蘭政府所做出的媒體清洗。美國國務卿布林肯(Antony Blinken)也對此發出強力譴責。




然而就在9月6日,波蘭與臺灣的疫苗情誼瞬間頓然無形。波蘭外交部長拉烏(Zbigniew Rau)在他訪問立陶宛時公開表示,波蘭並不承認臺灣獨立,並強調在波蘭所奉行的「一中政策」之下,他們始終視臺灣爲中國的一部分。




Do DPP Values = PiS Values?

By Ross Darrell Feingold

Former Asia Chairman Republicans Abroad

The recent donation by Poland of 400000 AstraZeneca vaccine doses is accompanied once again by the Taiwan’s government references to partners in democracy and freedom assisting each other. Such statements by the Taiwan government accompanied the United States Japan and other vaccine donations even though vaccine donors have donated vaccines to countries worldwide with many of these recipients not democracies. Clearly whether or not a donor recipient country is a democracy or not is not a main motivation for vaccine donations.

First it is important to re-iterate this author’s previous public statements that a wealthy country like Taiwan does not need to accept vaccine donations because it gives the international community the impression that the Taiwan government is a vaccine beggar which lacks money to purchase vaccines. In fact on the same day that Poland’s vaccine donation was announced Premier Su Chen-chang announced government support to build an unnecessary baseball stadium in Pingtung among other recently announced unnecessary projects that have more to do with obtaining voter support in the 2022 local election than actual need. Perhaps the government’s strategy is to obtain vaccine donations so as to divert attention from its own failures to timely procure vaccines while focusing voter attention on the 2022 elections.

Second if Taiwan wants to maximize the global public relations value of vaccine donations rather than tell only a domestic audience that Taiwan has achieved a foreign relations success Taiwan would gain far more international attention if in conjunction with the donor country the vaccines were further donated to a country that is in greater need than Taiwan (with its relatively small number of COVID-19 cases) for vaccines.

Of greater concern about Taiwan accepting Poland’s donation is that at the moment Poland’s ruling Law and Justice Party’s recent democracy human rights and rule of law record is a concern. During a campaign rally in 2020 Polish President Andrzej Duda told supporters that LGBTQ “ideology” is worse than communism. Later in 2020 50 ambassadors and representatives of international organizations in Poland including the United States expressed their support for “efforts to raise public awareness of the issues affecting the lesbian gay bisexual transgender and intersex (LGBTI) community and other communities in Poland facing similar challenges”. A similar letter was in 2021. Taiwan’s representative office in Poland did not sign either letter. In August the lower house of Poland’s parliament passed changes to the media ownership law that would force US group Discovery to sell its majority stake in TVN one of Poland's biggest private TV networks whose news channel TVN24 is often highly critical of Poland’s government. Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement calling the media law “troubling”. Also in August despite criticism from the United States and Israel the Polish parliament amended an existing law on restitution claims which would prevent descendants of Holocaust victims or Communist Poland’s victims from seeking restitution. Later in August the Polish government attempted to avoid European Union threats of sanctions due to the Polish government’s interference in judicial independence.

It appears that Poland’s vaccine donations to Taiwan were timed to help address Poland’s international image. One wonders why Taiwan decided to assist Poland in this effort especially as the values of Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party appear to be quite different than the values of PiS.

The Polish attempt to use the vaccine donations to Taiwan might not be working though. Days after the Polish donation to Taiwan was announced on 6 September 2021 the European Union threatened to block 126 million euros of aid to local Polish governments over concerns about LGBTQ rights.

Earlier this week Poland’s foreign minister Zbigniew Rau during a visit to Lithuania reportedly said Poland does not recognize Taiwan’s independence and that under Poland’s One China policy Taiwan is a part of China.

This is all a good reminder for Taiwan that despite its diplomatic challenges it must be prudent when selecting friends.