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Light Shed by Reporters on Gaza War Is Fading

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To many people outside the Gaza Strip, the war flashes by as a doomscroll of headlines and casualty tolls and photos of screaming children, the bloody shreds of somebody else’s anguish.


But the true scale of death and destruction is impossible to grasp, the details hazy and shrouded by internet and cellphone blackouts that obstruct communication, restrictions barring international journalists and the extreme, often life-threatening challenges of reporting as a local journalist from Gaza.


There are pinholes in the murk, apertures such as the Instagram feeds of Gaza photographers and a small number of testimonies that slip through. With every passing week, however, the light dims as those documenting the war leave, quit or die. Reporting from Gaza has come to seem pointlessly risky to some local journalists, who despair of moving the rest of the world to act.


“I survived death multiple times and put myself in danger” to document the war, Ismail al-Dahdouh, a Gaza reporter, wrote in an Instagram post in January to announce he was quitting journalism. Yet a world “that doesn’t know the meaning of humanity” had not acted to stop it.


The New York Times and other major international outlets have evacuated Palestinian journalists who were working for them in Gaza, though some Western news agencies still have local teams there.


Apart from those, only Gaza journalists have been working there since the war began.


“Israel is afraid of the Palestinian narrative and of Palestinian journalists,” said Khawla al-Khalidi, 34, a Gaza TV journalist for Al-Arabiya, a well-known regional Arabic-language TV channel. “They’re trying to silence us by cutting the networks.”


The war has damaged or severed communications networks, making it nearly impossible for most Gaza residents to give interviews to foreign media outlets. Telecommunications have disappeared entirely more than half a dozen times during the conflict.


It falls to Gaza journalists, mostly working for Palestinian or regional Arabic-language outlets such as Al Jazeera, or young freelancers equipped with little more than Instagram, to bring scraps of Gaza’s reality to outsiders.


Al-Khalidi, the Al-Arabiya journalist, said she had never considered leaving journalism, even as the job got impossibly difficult, far worse than in the previous wars she had covered.


“We’re not just reporting on what is happening. We’re already part of what is happening,” she said.


文/Vivian Yee, Abu Bakr Bashir and Gaya Gupta 譯/羅方妤