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Facts About Giant Pandas


Theycan’t live without the plants because theycan also get water from them .


考題練習:TOEIC Bridge測驗+國中會考題型

1. What does a giant panda usually eat?

(A) Mice.

(B) Flowers.

(C) Bamboos.

2. What kind of animal is a giant panda?

(A) It’s black and white.

(B) It is a small animal.

(C) It’s a herbivore.

3. Based on the reading, what can we refer to?

(A) A giant panda can live without water.

(B) There aren’t many giant pandas in the world.

(C) People can’t see giant pandas very often because they live in the mountains.


1. (C) 2. (A) 3. (B)