狗寶寶認出媽媽的「斷肢」頂布蓋住 屠夫拍片當樂趣

狗肉販拍下這段影片覺得好玩。(圖/翻攝自Fight Dog Meat)


小狗認出媽媽的「斷爪天真地用鼻子頂着,但這一幕多麼令人心碎。臉書粉絲團Fight Dog MeatPO出這段影片,據瞭解一名越南的狗肉販出於嘲弄而拍下影片,許多人擔心小狗的安危,但動保團體表示,「不可能有辦法的,畢竟這不是寵物店。」

影片中,地上擺放了5個狗的斷爪,一隻小黑狗疑惑地聞着,不斷用鼻子頂頂,最後輕輕地推動粉色布將斷爪蓋住,原來這些斷肢來自牠的媽媽。致力抵制吃狗肉的動保團體Fight Dog Meat表示,這是越南的狗肉販爲了好玩拍攝的,在原影片裡甚至有2600次分享。


VIETNAM: PUPPY RECOGNIZES IT'S DEAD MOM after she was slaughtered for DOG MEAT. The dog butcher posted the video for a laugh; I find it totally heartbreaking. // NOTE: this video is from Vietnam. Overnight FDM came under another vicious attack from so-called animal lovers on Fb. The Nepalese rescuer has confirmed the video is "not" her video and its "not" from Nepal! To Those Who Attacked: you hurt Vietnamese animlas and Vietnamese animal rescuers by your false and malicious accusations. // Fight Dog Meat is a REGISTERED CHARITY, to help animals please consider a small donation: https://fightdogmeat.com/donate/ Paypal: donate@fightdogmeat.com. We're helping animals and rescue teams in a number of dog and cat meat countries. I removed the original posting of this video to get to the bottom of the attack. Now I find out it was deleted for no reason, except false accusations. Another day on Facebook... FDM Charity No. 16623028795 BANK ACCOUNT: Swift Code: CTBAAU2S BSB: 06 4474 Account: 1073 2395 Account Name: Fight Dog Meat Ltd. www.FightDogMeat.com #fightdogmeat contact@fightdogmeat.com