粉紅25cm「老二魚」大量暴露!加州海灘驚見上千只 真的能壯陽



美國加州的德瑞克海灘(Drakes Beach)近日出現上千只長相奇特的「魚」,這種生物正式名稱爲「單環刺螠」,俗稱海腸,全身光滑無毛長度大約25公分,大部分都是粉紅色,一拿在手上會發現牠們外型酷似男性生殖器,又被暱稱爲「陰莖魚」。


報導指出,類似的現象過去也曾發生在加州索諾馬郡(Sonoma County)、聖塔克魯茲(Santa Cruz)以及蒙特瑞郡(Monterey County)等地。單環刺螠體型肥大,身體前端有一長吻用於覓食,極具彈性,可伸長至一公尺以上,利用黏性黏着底部的小動物有機顆粒,由於吻部在外覓食而容易被海鳥啄食,而再生性極強。在南韓常常被用來當作食材,通常會生吃,另外也常被當作魚餌


SHOOK Thousands of these marine worms—called fat innkeeper worms, or “penis fish”—were found on Drake’s Beach last week! These phallic organisms are quite common along the West coast of North America, but they spend their whole lives in U-shaped burrows under the sand, so few beachgoers are aware of their existence. A recent storm in Northern California brought strong waves that washed away several feet of sand from the intertidal zone, leaving all these fat innkeeper worms exposed on the surface.