大衆汽車集團在華尋路智電時代的新“ID”VW in search of new IDentit-E in China(附英文)


作者 | 邢磊











大衆汽車ID.4榮獲“2021世界年度車”大獎, 並獲Euro NCAP五星最高評級


這將從基於大衆汽車集團爲純電動車專屬打造的MEB平臺所推出的ID.系列開始。到目前爲止,ID.家族已推出四款本土生產的車型並交付給客戶:基於全球車型ID.4 SUV的ID.4 X 和 ID.4 CROZZ;專供中國市場的7座SUV ID.6 X和ID.6 CROZZ;以及年底前上市的尺寸爲高爾夫大小的ID.3兩廂車。另外,與集團在傳統內燃機汽車時代大規模部署的經銷商網絡不同,ID.系列採取獨特的代理模式銷售與服務客戶。


7月13日,大衆汽車集團管理董事會主席赫伯特·迪斯博士(Dr. Herbert Diess)在集團2030年戰略“NEW AUTO”發佈後接受媒體採訪時表示:“我們在新能源汽車市場領域將努力實現與內燃機汽車市場相似的市場份額。中國是我們的主要市場之一,我們將盡最大努力捍衛這一市場領先優勢。”




而中國以18,285輛的交付排名第三,同比增長110%,佔集團全球交付量的10.7%,略低於美國。交付量約佔集團同期在華交付185萬輛汽車的 1%,低於造車新勢力蔚來、小鵬、理想以及哪吒汽車上半年的交付量;僅佔同期中國新能源汽車121萬輛銷量的1.5%左右;包括插電混動汽車在內的新能源汽車銷量爲 36,600 臺,約佔集團在華銷量的 2%,低於行業近10%的平均水平。

儘管二季度的純電動汽車交付量相比一季度翻番,超過 12,000 臺,但 ID. 4 X 和 ID. 4 CROZZ從3月底正式上市以來相對慢熱,兩款車型在4月和5月合計銷售分別只有一千多臺。儘管6月份的銷量有所好轉,交付量超過2900臺,但3個多月僅交付約6000臺ID.系列,還是低於了很多業內人士的預期。



正式上市前,大衆汽車集團將ID.4的營銷瞄準了90後和Z世代的年輕首次購車用戶,這些用戶對最新的互聯等智能技術配置要求異常苛刻。然而,儘管20萬元左右的定價策略很具有競爭力,ID.4並未提供這些年輕消費者所期望的功能和用戶體驗,因此最初反應不溫不火。ID.4 的目標羣體應該是以換購或增購爲主的家庭和相對較成熟的用戶,對最前沿的配置和智能互聯功能方面相對沒那麼敏感。

ID.4,一車多能的純電SUV 滿足駕駛樂趣

"中國(玩家)的速度要快得多。您可能還注意到,首批製造商已經在測試甚至配備具有 L2+ 的自動駕駛功能。這肯定會在不遠的將來成爲一種趨勢,大衆汽車集團肯定會在這方面提供這些功能,”他說。



他強調,大衆汽車集團在純電動汽車方面無意回到典型的批發模式,堅持代理制營銷模式的計劃是堅定的,因爲新能源汽車客戶本身就期待這種模式。馮思翰博士透露,集團也在擴大其ID.用戶觸點的足跡,如在一線和二線城市的ID. Hub和Pop Up展示中心,同時保持健康和有利潤空間的經銷商體系。







6月份ID.4的訂單量超過了其交付量,有明顯的增長趨勢。而ID.6 X 在 6 月正式上市後的頭兩週內交付量超過 500 臺。

迪斯博士在7月22日的大衆汽車集團年度股東大會上表示:“大衆汽車品牌ID.系列在華銷量預計將比上月翻一番,從6月份的3000輛增加到7月份的6000輛左右。“ID.6 的初步銷售數據非常可觀。我們的目標是今年在華銷售8-10萬輛ID.家族的純電動汽車。”









VW in search of new IDentit-E in China

German giant coming from behind in China’s e-mobility game, can it lead?

– by Lei Xing

For Volkswagen Group, the old Chinese adage “cross the river by feeling the stones” 摸着石頭過河might best describe the German giant’s approach towards its e-mobility offensive in China.

Generally attributed to Deng Xiaoping, the adage is used as a metaphor to describe China’s approach towards the reform and opening up that kicked off at the end of the 1970s, just a few years before Volkswagen became the first major foreign automaker to enter the Chinese market.

Santanas and Jettas soon became ubiquitous and synonymous with mobility in China, and Volkswagen has been the leading foreign automaker in the world’s largest auto market ever since then with its namesake as well as Audi, Škoda & Porsche marques, among others.

But that was the internal combustion engine (ICE) era, when Volkswagen and other foreign automakers held the emerging Chinese brands at bay with superior design, quality, powertrain technologies, sales and marketing, distribution and aftersales service. Chinese brands, on the other hand, have been playing catch up the whole time and tried to “overtake the foreigners on a different path” 換道超車: new energy vehicles (NEVs), which includes both plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) and battery electric vehicles (BEVs).

It’s taken almost 40 years, but the Chinese brands seemed to have finally flipped the narrative.

As China embarks on an ambitious new path toward e-mobility, Chinese brands led by upstarts BYD, Wuling, NIO, Xpeng and others have “overtaken the foreigners” as far as NEV sales and market share are concerned, while foreign automakers like Volkswagen (with the exception of Tesla) are in an unfamiliar territory of trying to catch up from behind.

On one side of the river is the old, boring ICE game, which Volkswagen has dominated. On the other is the new, exciting NEV (aka smart EV) game which the Chinese have dominated. For some of these Chinese brands, the trek across the river is nearly complete. Others like NIO & Xpeng began their fortunes by starting off on the other side of the river.

As Volkswagen crosses the river, what awaits on the other side is an ambitious e-mobility goal: by 2030, it plans to invest €73 billion in electrification and digital technology and produce 26 million BEVs globally, more than half of which will come from China; by 2025, it plans to sell 1.5 million NEVs in China annually; by 2030, NEVs will account for more than half of the namesake brand sales in China, and by 2035, they will account for more than half of group sales in the country; and by 2040, the group plans to sell exclusively BEVs in all major markets in the world.

In other words, in the emerging e-mobility era, Volkswagen wants its NEVs produced & sold in China with the VW badge as ubiquitous, if not more than, the Santanas and Jettas of the 1990s and 2000s.

That starts with the ID. series based on Volkswagen’s MEB platform dedicated to BEVs. So far, four locally-produced ID. models have been launched and delivered to customers: the ID.4 X and ID4. CROZZ based on the global ID.4 SUV, and the larger China-exclusive ID.6 X and ID.6 CROZZ SUVs. The fifth model, the ID.3 compact hatch the size of a Golf, is launching later this year. An exclusive agency model, unlike the legacy dealer system it has deployed on a massive scale to sell its ICE vehicles, is in place to sell and distribute the ID. series and service their customers.

These are just some of the stones that Volkswagen has been feeling as it crosses the river, trying to catch up in the NEV game while defending its leadership position in the ICE game, one in which it currently holds a commanding 18% market share.

“We will fight to achieve a similar market share in EVs that we have in ICEs,” Volkswagen Group CEO Dr. Herbert Diess said in an interview on July 13 after the company announced its 2030 Strategy. “China is one of our home markets, and we will do the utmost to defend this position.”

The fight, however, has had a tough start.

Feeling the stones

On July 20, Volkswagen announced that it delivered 170,939 BEVs globally in the first half of 2021, more than twice as many as in the prior-year period (+165.2 percent). A surprise was the Group’s home market of Europe, where 128,078 BEVs were delivered, up 156.3 percent and accounting for three-quarters of the global total. The U.S. came in second, with 18,514 BEVs delivered, more than four times (+321.2 percent) the prior-year period. China was third with deliveries of 18,285 BEVs, up 110% year-on-year and accounting for 10.7 percent of the Group’s worldwide BEV deliveries, slightly behind the U.S.

To put the 18,285 BEV deliveries in China into different perspectives: they account for roughly 1 percent of the 1.85 million vehicles the group delivered during the same period; are lower than what Chinese smart EV startups NIO, Xpeng, Li Auto or NETA delivered year-to-date through to June; and account for just about 1.5 percent of the nearly 1.21 million NEVs sold overall in China during the period. Sales of NEVs including BEVs, on the other hand, were 36,600 units, accounting for about 2 percent of group sales, less than the industry average of close to 10 percent.

Granted that BEV deliveries in Q2 nearly doubled on a sequential basis over Q1 with more than 12,000 units delivered, the ID. series, in particular, stumbled out of the gate starting with the ID. 4 X & ID. 4 CROZZ models, each selling just a few hundred units in April and May, their initial full months of sales since market launch at the end of March. Though sales improved in June with more than 2,900 units delivered, the roughly 6,000 ID. series delivered in a little more than three full months on the market is certainly below expectation of many in the industry if not that of Volkswagen.

Why hasn’t the ID. 4 performed as well in China so far as it has in Europe or even the U.S., especially considering that so much preparation went into it as the first locally-produced ID. model spearheading Volkswagen’s e-mobility offensive in China? This is a question that many in the industry are pondering and I’m sure Wolfsburg is also asking Beijing.

It’s definitely not a design issue, nor is it a quality issue (we certainly hope this will never become an issue). It is, though, a product feature issue and a sales & marketing issue in a cutthroat competitive environment with demanding customers for smart EVs that Volkswagen does not yet face in Europe.

Pre-launch, Volkswagen marketed and targeted both ID. 4 versions at the young & the restless: post-90s and Gen-Z first-time buyers looking for the latest tech features, when in fact the models did not offer those features nor was user experience up to their expectation despite a competitive pricing strategy around the RMB200,000 point, hence the tepid initial response. What the ID. 4 should have targeted are families and mature buyers that are looking to trade-in their vehicles or make additional purchases, and may not be as sensitive when it comes to tech features.

Dr. Stephan Wöllenstein, CEO of Volkswagen Group China, hinted in an interview on July 15 that Volkswagen is somewhat behind in terms of offering the latest smart, intelligent connected EVs with partly or fully autonomous driving capabilities.

“China is at a much higher speed. You probably have also noticed that the first manufacturers are already testing the waters with L2+ automated driving functions,” he said. “This will certainly also become a trend in the not too far future and Volkswagen Group will certainly offer this in this respect.”

The exclusive agency sales model for the ID. series, which is about transparency and offering better touchpoints and communications with potential customers, has been a “learning process,” according to Dr. Wöllenstein.

“We have after intense discussion over the years with our joint venture partners, really decided on the agency model to come into place in particular with our ID. or electric models,” he said. “This is the new normal anyway for more or less all the pure NEV brands that we see in the market. It is of course not easy for us because of our legacy with our dealer system which is our traditional franchise system. So it is also a learning process for all parties involved, including our dealers. This also needs constant adjustment, which we are currently doing.”

Though he stressed that there is no intention to going back to the typical wholesale model and the plan to stick to the agency model is firm, as this is how customers for NEVs are expected to be treated. Volkswagen is also expanding its footprint of ID. stores such as ID. Hubs and pop-up stores in tier-one and tier-two cities, while maintaining healthy and profitable operation of 2,000 dealerships, according to Dr. Wöllenstein.

Another unique feature of the Chinese NEV market that Volkswagen has to confront is the so-called “dumbbell effect” – where currently the key drivers are micro EVs priced far below RMB100,000 that account for nearly 40 percent of the market and growing at more than 500 percent, and premium EVs priced between RMB250,000 to RMB500,000.

“This is completely opposite to the distribution of sales in the ICE market where the majority of cars sold are transacted between RMB80,000 and RMB250,000, a pretty unnatural pattern which we all have to master,” said Dr. Wöllenstein. “As Volkswagen is the top of volume brand and not so much premium or entry brand per se, this is a pattern which of course is not reflecting the positioning of our brand.”

So the question is, can Volkswagen overcome the “dumbbell effect” with its suite of existing and upcoming ID. models, and can it achieve the same strong position in the NEV game as electric-only brands like Tesla and NIO who have set the benchmark, and learn to adapt and tweak its agency model to full advantage while balancing the interests of its existing dealers?

Crossing the river

Luckily, things are looking up as far as volumes are concerned.

Order in-takes in June for the ID. 4 exceeded its delivery figure, pointing to a growth trend. Deliveries of the ID. 6 X exceeded 500 units in its first two weeks of sale in June.

“Sales of the ID. are expected to double compared with the previous month – from 3,000 in June to about 6,000 in July,” said Dr. Diess at Volkswagen Group’s Annual General Meeting on July 22. “And initial sales figures for the ID.6 are highly promising. We aim to sell a total of 80,000 to 100,000 electric cars from the ID. family in China by the end of the year.”

Dr. Diess reiterated at the event that China will play a crucial role in the success of Volkswagen’s entire strategy through 2030.

“We’ve been the unrivaled market leader in China in the past decades. We maintained our position in the first half of this year with a market share of 18 percent. And profitability is high. Our goal is to achieve the same position in the electric world, too,” he said.

Obviously, Dr. Diess & co. at Volkswagen knows this is easier said than done. As the company navigates this early phase of the e-mobility offensive led by the ID. portfolio, which Dr. Wöllenstein says needs about “6-8 months to normalize sales” amid an industry-wide offensive and fierce competition across all sectors, it’s also putting the pieces of the puzzle together to make the river crossing as smooth as it can be.

The group has secured majority stakes in electric mobility companies for Audi and the namesake Volkswagen brands for the first time. It is strengthening its key electric joint venture Volkswagen Anhui with a new factory and a new R&D Center, to make it the local hub for the future unified SSP mechatronics platform. Audi will produce electric vehicles based on the PPE platform for the Chinese market in Changchun under a majority-owned joint venture with FAW starting in 2024. It has invested in local battery production with partner Gotion. And with CARIAD, it is systematically building its software skills in China so that it can offer digital solutions tailored to the needs of Chinese customers.

These are crucial and execution will be paramount as Volkswagen searches for its new identity in China in the e-mobility age, one that will emerge and be clearer as it crosses the river by feeling the stones.

Lei Xing is former Chief Editor of China Auto Review, having covered the Chinese auto industry for the past 20 years. He is currently an independent analyst/consultant and resides in Massachusetts in the U.S.