

PuTTY多頁籤前導程式 - MTPuTTY,PuTTY是最受歡迎的SSH連線用戶端軟體,但缺點就是如果你要開啓多個連線就得執行多個主程式,而這個程式能夠讓你用多分頁的方式來使用它,避免在使用多個連線時造成混淆。(阿榮)

PuTTY is the most popular SSH client for Windows. One, and probably the only one, of PuTTY drawbacks is that you need to start a new copy of PuTTY every time you open a new connection. So if you need e.g. 5 active connections you run 5 PuTTY instances and you have 5 PuTTY windows on the desktop.MTPuTTY (Multi-Tabbed PuTTY) is a small *FREE* utility enabling you to wrap unlimited number of PuTTY applications in one tabbed GUI interface. You are still continue using your favorite SSH client, but you are no longer messing around with PuTTY windows - each window will be opened in a separate tab.

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