阿榮福利味/Free File Wiper - 檔案粉碎工具


檔案粉碎工具 - Free File Wiper,檔案刪除之後還可以使用還原軟體來還原,利用檔案粉碎軟體可以徹底破壞檔案並防止被還原,執行此軟體後,可以透過右鍵選單「傳送到」→「Free File Wiper」,或者拖放到其專屬資源回收筒來粉碎檔案或資料夾,刪除前會先抹除檔名,並可以設定高達7次複寫(越多次越安全)。(阿榮)

Delete files securely with this software!Just right click on files or directories and select "Send to / Free File Wiper" to erase them completely!Or ... you can drag & drop them on the trashcan to perform the wipe operation.Files are overwritten with standard and random patterns (up to 7 overwrites).To ensure maximum privacy also the filename is wiped before deletion.After the wipe, the files cannot be undeleted and restored.Up to four wipe methods (from 1 pass to 7 passes).

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