


What Happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!! - Cross your fingers and hope your secrets won't ever get out!

Las Vegas被稱爲sin city(罪惡之城),位在內華達州里的沙漠城市,是成人版的Disneyland。進入Vegas就像走入另一個世界,一個令人着迷的世界,美食、美酒、豪華不已的飯店、令人眼花撩亂的秀、燈光閃爍的賭場。好萊塢多少明星在那閃電結婚又離婚?多少電影以它爲主題?一個充滿故事性戲劇性的城市,它的魅力人能擋。這個沙漠中的海市蜃樓能讓人暫時忘卻現實,暫時跳入另一個角色裡,做出瘋狂舉動,因爲這一切就是一場叫做Vegas的戲。

What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas大概最能夠形容拉斯維加斯的一句話。賭博、酒店、大型歌舞秀、購物商場、高級跑車、召妓、煙火水舞、超大型飯店、吃角子老虎、數不清的賭客,這就是Las Vegas。Las Vegas縱容一切行爲,但離開了就當作沒有這件事,把這些都留在拉斯維加斯吧。

Cross your fingers是一個美國迷信的做法,希望把兩隻手指頭交叉可以讓自己心想事成,這句說法美國人時常用。

Example: I don't know what I will get for my birthday, but I am crossing my fingers that it will be an iPhone.

Guess what? Las Vegas names itself as "The Entertainment Capital of the World." Don't ever doubt it! This desert oasis is truly the place that takes you out of your real world and into a fantasy world. Vegas is an internationally renowned major resort city for gambling, shopping, fine dining, and entertainment. You can be wearing the most luxurious designer clothes and sipping a glass of Louis XIII de Remy Martin while gambling at the prestigious Bellagio. Or you can be having dinner at the renowned Tao restaurant and later on partying at the Pure club in Caesars Palace with Paris Hilton. Even better, you can be watching the most unforgettable Cirque du Soleil O show and enjoying the rest of the night walking down the strip. In the daytime, just relax by the pool and enjoy a glass of Margarita while waiting for the sun to go down. And yet another fun night begins. The city never sleeps. It's the place to be if you're ready for some real fun! So, next time you are in Vegas, remember- "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas!"

Guess what: 你知道嗎?

Example: Guess what? I just went to see Avatar and loved it!

The place to be: 一定要去的地方

Example: Taiwan is the place to be if you want to taste some delicious local dishes.

The city never sleeps: 不夜城

Example: Taipei is a city that never sleeps. Therefore, you can always find something to do 24/7.



The term "Casino" is of Italian origin, the root word being "Casa" (house.) The word changed to refer to a building built for pleasure, usually for dancing, music listening and gambling.

這個字其實是源自於義大利文房子,之後的意思變成爲一個專爲娛樂(通常是跳舞聽音樂或賭博)而建立的場所,在Las Vegas裡也就是所謂的賭場。

High Roller:

A high roller is a gambler who wagers large amounts of money. High rollers often receive lavish "perks" from casinos to lure them onto the gambling floors, such as free private jet transfers, limousine use and use of the casinos' best suites.

High Roller是形容在賭場裡出手闊氣的賭客,通常賭場都會派出私人專機加長型禮車和提供飯店裡最好的套房來誘惑這些賭客們去他們的賭場豪賭一翻。

Slot Machine:

A slot machine is a casino gambling machine with three or more reels which spin when a button is pushed. It is the most commonly seen gambling machine in Las Vegas. But you have to be over 21 to even get near the machines or any kind of gambling forms.

它是我們俗稱吃角子老虎的機器,在Las Vegas處處可見,從機場就可開始看到它們的存在,但要記得,法律規定要年滿21歲纔可以賭博喔!在美國,他們可是非常嚴格執行規定!

Vegas Fun Fact:(新鮮事

Las Vegas is a popular destination for Hawaiians. Sometimes people refer Las Vegas as Hawaii's Ninth Island.