中意商會會長:洞察新趨勢 意中兩國合作前景光明丨世界觀

(原標題:中意商會會長:洞察新趨勢 意中兩國合作前景光明丨世界觀)

中意商會會長:洞察新趨勢 意中兩國合作前景光明丨世界觀(來源:視頻綜合)

7月27日至31日,意大利總理梅洛尼應邀對中國進行正式訪問。在此之際,中國意大利商會會長羅仁舟(Lorenzo Riccardi)在接受中國新聞網專訪時表示,梅洛尼此次訪華是提升意中政治、文化和經濟關係的契機,對意中兩國關係發展具有重大意義。


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni kicked off her five-day visit to China on Saturday. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Lorenzo Riccardi, Chairman of the China-Italy Chamber of Commerce (CICC), noted that this visit is a special occasion to promote political, cultural and economic relations between Italy and China. "The corporation between Italy and China is stronger in some specific economic sectors," Riccardi added. (Chen Tianhao)