這是恐龍!農場牛隻接連消失 5.1公尺長巨鱷是兇手

Matt Wright(@mattwright)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 6 日 上午 12:03 張貼



澳洲北領地(Northern Territory)的農民日前發現家裡飼養的牛不斷減少,猜想應該是被附近的鱷魚吃了,便請野生動植物遷徙專家賴特(Matt Wright)協助,賴特成功將那隻長達5.1公尺的鱷魚捕捉,並把過程影片上傳到IG,網友一看到牠的尺寸都嚇呆了!

根據外媒報導,《超級捕鱷人》(Monster Croc Wrangler)、《澳洲動物達人》(Outback Wrangler)主持人賴特收到農民請求,說周遭有一隻鱷魚接連將他們飼養的牛隻生吞,感到相當困擾。

CROC RELEASE I’m looking for a name for my new Croc, he’s missing a foot off his tail & is 17 foot long! Leave your suggestions in the comments below. ••• This video shows a very smooth, safe & successful release. My passion is enabling the peaceful coexistence between people & animals. When there is a problem crocodile threatening people or livestock I am often called in to catch and relocate/release the croc to a new home out of harms way. I have created big new pens for problem crocs like this one out on my property so they can continue living a happy life without being destroyed. This also means I can continue bringing people out to see these magnificent animals up close and personal so they can learn more about this unique species and the importance of their existence. #monstercrocwrangler #outbackwrangler

Matt Wright(@mattwright)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2019 年 10月 月 6 日 下午 6:14 張貼





