雜誌精選》終於可以去日本 看20年日圓新低學換匯英文

終於可以去日本 看20年日圓新低學換匯英文(示意圖/達志影像shutterstock)



Yet economists see pressure for a shift if persistent yen weakness exacerbates inflation by raising import costs, particularly for energy, and reckon that 125 is a key level. (The Economic Times)(然而,若是日圓持續疲軟而透過提高進口成本,尤其在能源上,將加重通貨膨脹,經濟學家認爲轉換的壓力很大,並預估貶破125是關鍵點。)

yen weakness是「日圓疲軟」,weak (a.)意思是「虛弱的、疲弱的」,加上「-ness」名詞字尾,代表「疲軟」的概念;加上「-en」動詞變化則有「弱化、削弱」的意思。

The bill would seriously weaken environmental protections. (這項法案將嚴重削弱對環境的保護。)

exacerbate (v.)「惡化、加劇、加重」,英文的定義爲to make something that is already bad even worse(使某件已經很糟糕的事情更糟)。文章中提到通膨(inflation)加劇,將會對經濟造成負面的影響,因此可以看出作者的態度是不樂觀的。

This attack will exacerbate the already tense relations between the two communities.(這次襲擊將令兩個原本已經處於緊張狀態的團體關係更加惡化。)

raise import cost是「提高進口成本」,討論數據「上升、下降」時,經常使用raise和rise這兩個動詞,但是特別注意兩者使用方式有所不同。raise是及物動詞(vt),後方必須要接一個受詞(名詞),如raise your hand、raise the eyebrows;然而,rise是不及物動詞(vi),不能直接加上受詞,而是要在中間穿插一個介係詞作爲連結功能的用途,如常見的go (to) school、listen (to) music等,因此rise的用法就是inflation rises,常見的the sun rises in the east就是如此。

The government plans to raise taxes.(政府計劃增稅。)

Inflation is rising by 2.1 percent a month.(通貨膨脹一個月增長2.1%。)


Japanese yen depreciation is a big problem for the Japanese economy, because the economy - especially households - is facing rising inflation and yen depreciation could accelerate that. (Reuters)(日圓貶值對於日本經濟是一大問題,因爲經濟,尤其是家庭,正面對高升的通膨,而日圓貶值可能加速這個現象。)

yen depreciation是「日圓貶值」的意思,depreciation (n)來自於動詞depreciate,英文解釋爲to lose value「失去價值、貶值」,「-ate」是動詞字尾,「-ation」則是名詞字尾。

Our car depreciated (by) $1,500 in the first year we owned it.(我們買的車在第一年就貶值了1500美元。)

depreciate的反義詞是appreciate,英文解釋to increase in value「增值、升值」。除此之外,appreciate在國際職場與多益測驗中,還有「欣賞、感恩」這兩個衍生字義。

The value of our house has appreciated by 50 percent in the last two years.(過去兩年內我們房子的價格上漲了50%。)

There's no point buying him expensive wines - he doesn't appreciate them.(給他買名貴的酒沒有用——他不懂品酒。)

rising inflation「通膨上升」,當rise作現在分詞rising時,可當作形容詞使用,因此字面上的意思就是「正在上升的」,用來修飾名詞inflation。

accelerate (v.)「加快」,字尾「-ate」是動詞用法,而「-ation」則是作爲名詞變化,「-ator」也作爲名詞,代表「加速器、油門」的意思。

Inflation is likely to accelerate this year, adding further upward pressure on interest rates.(今年通貨膨脹可能會加劇,迫使利率持續上升。)


1. Children who are two years old and younger are ________ free of charge to most concerts and films.

(A) admit

(B) admits

(C) admitted

(D) admitting

2. After discussing the terms of the new health-benefits contract, ________ management and employees were satisfied.

(A) both

(B) also

(C) either

(D) too

3. Although we have ________ not to offer you a position at this time , we will keep your resume on file for future openings.

(A) decided

(B) deciding

(C) decision

(D) decidedly


1. 正解爲(C)。語意爲「任何兩歲及以下的孩童可以免費進入大部分的演唱會和電影。」 本題要考的是被動態用法,在英語中,若要進場或是進入一個管控的場所,會用admit代表「允許…進入」的意思。本句主詞children爲複數,要使用被動態be+p.p「被允許進入」,故(C)爲正確答案。

2. 正解爲(A)。語意爲「在討論過新的健保合約條款後,勞資雙方都很滿意。」本句要表達雙方都很滿意,both代表兩個立場,故(A)爲正確答案。

3. 正解爲(A)。語意爲「儘管我們已經決定此時不向您提供職位,但是我們會將你的履歷入檔做爲日後職缺參考。」因爲完成式後面的動詞要變化成過去分詞,因此have後方只能接decided,故(A)爲正確答案。

文/Buffy Kao