



尊敬的各位領導、專家、女士們, 先生們, 大家下午好!

今天可能是國際會議啓動的好日子, 第三屆灣區元宇宙大會暨AIGC、RWA發展高峰論壇在香港召開, 同時從16號到19號在第78屆聯合國大會高級別周的期間, 將召開多國元首與政府首腦參加的聯合國最高規格會議, SDG可持續發展目標峰會與SDG數字日等系列活動, 我很榮幸受邀代表UNDSA線下出席聯合國紐約總部會議以及線上出席本屆元宇宙大會, 考慮到全球還有2百萬在線觀衆關注我們的灣區大會, 我先用英語介紹聯合國對元宇宙的觀點。

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals or "SDGs" comprise a comprehensive collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all". The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by year 2030.

In line with United Nations goal of advancing inclusive digital transformation, emerging technologies are being harnessed as part of a holistic approach to ensure that everyone benefits from the changes they bring about. In this light, there are both opportunities to accelerate progress on the SDGs, as well as risks that need to be managed in order to prevent digital harms and exacerbation of inequalities.

The metaverse is a growing network of virtual and augmented digital worlds that exist in parallel with the physical world. In simple terms, the metaverse can be thought of as the next major and three-dimensional evolution of the Internet which is part of the reason this collection of technologies is usually referred to as Web 3.0.

There are two broad models of the metaverse – open and closed. Closed worlds are owned and operated by companies with a self-contained ecosystem or ‘walled garden’. On the other hand, open worlds are decentralized and distribute ownership to users and contributors.

At these early stages of metaverse development, there are many possible opportunities to accelerate the United Nations SDGs, many of which are being explored. Covering a range of issues, the metaverse could be effectively harnessed to transform and enhance education; improve livelihoods and income generation; access public and private services; strengthen global cooperation and community building; boost citizen engagement; and enable new cooperative and collaboration models.

Conversely, there exist valid and potential concerns ranging from invasions of privacy, abuse of human rights, exacerbating inequalities and perpetuating societal biases, to environmental concerns about energy usage.

As the metaverse evolves, safe and meaningful innovation environments will need to be funded and established in order to create positive impact on the SDGs. As such, the following three inter-linked practical areas of immediate focus are proposed by United Nations:

1)Re-doubling efforts to close the digital divide: It is also essential to support digital literacy to ensure that everyone can participate in the metaverse, in a safe and meaningful way that improves their lives.

2) Bringing in perspectives from the Global South:Intentionally building and designing with the values, perspectives and talent from the Global South can strengthen the engagement and value proposition of different metaverse platforms.

3) Creating rights-based systems:In these virtual, boundary-less and seemingly jurisdiction free worlds of the metaverse, accountability and respect for human rights must be a priority. Whether virtual or offline, United Nations is a strong proponent of a rights-based approach to development.


元宇宙對聯合國17個SDG可持續發展目標的支持角色非常大: 使用元宇宙可以爲複雜昂貴的農業機械提供增強現實/虛擬現實教程,並使用區塊鏈進行食品的安全存儲和分配, 提供遙遠地區居民醫療保健的元宇宙增強服務, 使用沉浸式教程、遊戲化和模擬可以教育包括殘障學生在內的多樣化人羣。廣泛使用元宇宙、物聯網、人工智能、大數據和區塊鏈來管理和控制能源消耗, 支持不同地理區域的旅遊、漁業、創業和家庭產業。使用元宇宙可以創建複雜的氣候變化模型,以檢測和測量海浪和天氣條件的變化,並檢測地震, 處理藍色經濟和海底探索的各個方面。在高密度城市地區使用連接的警報系統和人工智能/機器學習功能,迅速通知居民火災。使用元宇宙與智慧星球模型,多個機構能夠互相交互支持,以改善治理。

以上我們可以清晰地看到, 元宇宙得到了聯合國的大力提倡, 在SDG中起到了重要作用, 在技術更加成熟並與AI更加緊密結合之後, 我相信元宇宙會迎來下一個爆發期. 鑑於元宇宙及相關的區塊鏈、Web 3、AR/VR/XR、分佈式數字身份等技術的重要性, 爲了在聯合國數字技術框架下制定規則標準、儲備方法工具、並加強產業國際合作, 聯合國數字安全聯盟UNDSA在聯合國科技委CSTD和世界數字技術院WDTA支持下, 決定設立元宇宙委員會, 任命鄭定向先生爲會長。最後感謝本屆大會和各界爲揭牌儀式提供的鼎力支持, 後面還有衆多產業領袖與專家們的精彩演講與觀點分享, 祝灣區元宇宙大會在我們共同的努力與見證下取得圓滿成功, 也藉此機會歡迎大家10月13日來寧波參加我們的世界數字經濟大會開幕式和DWC數字世界大會先導論壇, 謝謝!