印度千人火車撞貨運列車!12車廂出軌翻覆 橫躺鐵軌空拍曝光

#WATCH | Tamil Nadu: Drone visuals from Chennai-Guddur section between Ponneri- Kavarappettai railway stations (46 km from Chennai) of Chennai Division where Train no. 12578 Mysuru-Darbhanga Express had a rear collision with a goods train, yesterday evening. 12-13 coaches of… pic.twitter.com/QnKmyiSVY7



The train collision in Tamil Nadu, where the ????????????????????????-???????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????, is a distressing incident that highlights persistent safety concerns within Indian Railways. This isn't an isolated incident, it's part of a disturbing pattern of fatal… pic.twitter.com/BUs2ZaZTGn

NDTV等報導,事發於11日當地晚間8時30分左右,客運列車偏離主要軌道進入環狀側線(loop line),在Kavaraippettai車站以時速75公里的速度撞上一列靜止的貨運列車,12節車廂出軌。救援人員獲報後緊急趕往現場。


已知當時客運列車上有1360名乘客,有19人受傷,其中4人傷勢嚴重,傷者事後被緊急送醫。午夜過後,滯留在現場的乘客搭乘接駁巴士前往 Dr MGR清奈中央車站,並於清晨搭乘特別列車出發前往目的地。

鐵路安全專員喬杜裡(Anant Madhukar Chowdhary)已至現場進行視察,釐清確切事故發生原因。首席部長史多林(M K Stalin)表示,政府正展開救援作業,傷者已被立即送醫,專門小組爲其他乘客提供餐飲、交通方面的安排,消防單位則在處理事故列車車廂清除作業。受到這起事故影響,該路線的18趟列車取消,預計將於12日晚間復駛。

VIDEO | Mysore-Darbhanga Bagmati Express derailment: Visuals of rescue work being done and derailed coaches being removed from accident site in Thiruvallur. An express train, at 75 kmph speed, hit a stationary goods train on Friday in Tamil Nadu as it entered a loopline instead… pic.twitter.com/wvaJ6bunTj