武漢慘淪「殭屍城」!民衆排隊等就醫當場暈死路邊 IG求救影片暴增







plz help us. Weibo is deleting this video, we want the world to know the truth. Video is taken by a nurse from Wuhan Red Cross hospital. We want to survive. We need the government to do something, To our dear government officer, plz enjoy the lunar new year show and fxxk u. 微博一直在刪除這個視頻,希望世界知道我們的真實情況!請幫我轉發!謝謝您!只想好好的活着! 視頻爲武漢紅十字醫院,拍攝視頻者爲該院護士。#wuhan #wuhancoronavirus #wuhanvirus #wuhanchina @richkids_fashions_police @richkids_english_police

Haiyu(@haiyummyeah)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 24 日 上午 1:01 張貼

救救武漢吧!hospitals in Wuhan are desperately crying for help as healthcare workers risk their lives working with viruses in the exposed hospital under the limited protection due to shortage of protective gear including N95 masks and protective glasses and protective clothes. We kindly ask for everyone’s help to support Wuhan. Even though the city has been locked down and we are not allowed to use any public transportation!!!! Please helping us!!!!#wuhan #wuhanvirusoutbreak #wuhanvirus #wuhancoronavirus #wuhanpneumonia 我和武漢同在

L'enfer, c'est les autres.(@sylvieaime)分享的貼文 於 PST 2020 年 1月 月 24 日 上午 12:21 張貼