紐時賞析/新聞網站流量大幅下滑 媒體轉戰WhatsApp追尋讀者


Spurned by Social Media, Publishers Chase Readers on WhatsApp

不受社羣青睞 媒體轉往WhatsApp追尋讀者

Many digital news publishers have been desperately searching for a life raft. Traffic to news sites has fallen sharply, along with the ad revenue those clicks generate, partly because Google and Facebook decided to make news less prominent on their platforms.


Now, some publications have found a glimmer of hope elsewhere: WhatsApp, the world’s most popular messaging app.


Late last year, the app introduced WhatsApp Channels, a kind of one-way broadcasting system that allows publishers to send links and headlines directly to followers. Numerous outlets are using it as a way to draw in readers and build direct relationships with an audience that is largely outside the United States.


“It has become a huge source of traffic actually, larger than X,” said Marta Planells, senior director of digital news at Noticias Telemundo, the news arm of Telemundo.

Telemundo新聞部門、Noticias Telemundo的數位新聞資深主管瑪塔.普拉內爾斯說,「它實際上已成爲一個巨大的流量來源,比X更大」。

The Noticias Telemundo channel on WhatsApp gained more than 30,000 followers in just the first two weeks and now has more than 820,000 followers, Planells said.

普拉內爾斯說,Noticias Telemundo在WhatsApp的頻道推出前兩週,就得到超過3萬名跟隨者,目前擁有超過82萬名跟隨者。

The traffic created by WhatsApp still pales in comparison with what Google and Facebook send to publications. And some publishers are cautious about getting too enamored by Channels.


But Channels is one of the few sources of traffic trending upward, and is part of a push by many publishers to develop direct relationships with audiences and, potentially, drive them back to outlets’ home pages or apps, rather than rely on the social media platforms.


Numerous media outlets have signed up for WhatsApp Channels and already drawn millions of followers, including CNN (14.5 million followers), The New York Times (14 million), BBC News (9.3 million), The New York Post (8.1 million), The Wall Street Journal (4.7 million) and The Washington Post (3.8 million).


The Atlantic is viewing its WhatsApp Channel, which has 2.8 million followers, as a place of experimentation rather than a major source of traffic, said Adrienne LaFrance, the publication’s executive editor.


“The social web is undergoing this dramatic change, and that can be unnerving, but it also, even more than that, means huge opportunities for journalists to connect to audiences in new ways,” she said.


文/Katie Robertson and Mike Isaac 譯/周辰陽