紐時賞析/全美30%食物被浪費…白宮推新策略 防食品落入掩埋場


White House Announces New Strategy to Keep Edible Food Out of Landfills

白宮推新策略 防食品落入掩埋場

The Biden administration on Wednesday issued, for the first time, a national strategy to combat a major national problem: food waste.


Roughly 30% of the country’s food supply isn’t eaten, but thrown away or otherwise wasted. In fact, food is the single largest volume of material sent to landfills and incinerators in the United States. When uneaten food goes into landfills, it breaks down and produces as much greenhouse gas emissions annually as dozens of coal-burning power plants, according to the federal government.


The White House strategy involves efforts to change the behavior of businesses and individuals to reduce waste, as well as to fund research into extending the shelf life of perishable foods, expand food donations and turn food waste into usable commodities such as compost, gas or animal feed.


“Everyone has a role to play in reducing food loss and waste,” the secretary of agriculture, Tom Vilsack, said in a statement.


The strategy falls short of food-waste laws in other countries and even those of some U.S. states. It contains no new regulations. Dana Gunders, head of ReFED, a research and advocacy group that works on food waste, called the strategy “a good first step.”


The U.S. set out in 2015 to cut food waste by half by 2030. In reality, per capita food waste grew between that announcement and 2019, the most recent data available, according to the Environmental Protection Agency.


According to ReFED’s latest figures, in 2021, the U.S. produced 91 million tons of unsold, uneaten food. Nearly half of it was still edible, but only 2% was donated.


ReFED’s research has found that 20% of food is lost at the farm level in the U.S. Stores, restaurants and industrial kitchens throw out food that doesn’t sell. And in homes, many people discard food that’s still safe to eat, in part because “best by” labels don’t necessarily indicate when food is bad.


There’s been some progress in cutting food waste. Between 2019 and 2022, eight supermarket chains that had voluntarily pledged to reduce food waste reported a 25% decline in their total volumes of unsold food.


Startup companies have popped up in recent years to crack the waste problem. Some use artificial intelligence to spy on what gets tossed so that retailers can make better procurement decisions. Apps offer budget-minded shoppers deals on about-to-perish groceries and restaurant meals.


文/Somini Sengupta 譯/羅方妤