紐時賞析/對抗熱浪侵襲 歐洲採傳統造屋工法

今年夏季歐洲大部分地區蒙受熾熱高溫籠罩問題。圖爲希臘愛琴海邊度假戲水的民衆。 美聯社資料照

As Heat Waves Intensify, Europe’s Cities Rely on Age-Old Ways to Stay Cool


There is no single architectural technique that can solve the problem of sweltering heat, which has gripped large parts of Europe this summer. But on a continent where air conditioning is relatively limited, sustainable building techniques can go a long way in protecting residents, according to experts.


Those features, which include courtyards, heavy shutters, reflective painting and white-stone facades, can keep homes cool naturally and reduce the need for air conditioning. The problem, particularly for Mediterranean cities that have endured scorching temperatures this summer, is that many newer buildings have been built using Western styles that trap heat, said Marialena Nikolopoulou, a professor of sustainable architecture at the University of Kent in England.


“We’ve started importing Western architecture and forgetting about local traditions,” Nikolopoulou said, speaking from Athens, Greece, the hottest capital on the continent — with an average daily maximum temperature of 33.4 Celsius in July — and one of the most densely populated. Modern high-rise buildings and the use of materials like asphalt for roads trap heat, contributing to the “heat island” effect, in which cities are hotter than surrounding rural areas. A heat wave in Greece has led to tinder-dry conditions that have stoked wildfires in parts of the country.


In Mediterranean countries like Greece, Italy, Spain and Portugal, traditional houses tend to include qualities that allow for breezes to run through them. Thick walls help absorb heat during the day and release it at night, and features that provide shade, like pergolas, also serve to keep residents cool and reduce sun exposure, said Catalina Spataru, a professor of global energy and resources at the University College London Energy Institute. Narrow passageways in some city centers and tree-lined streets also provide shade for pedestrians.


Europe is experiencing heat waves at a rate that is more frequent and more intense than in many other parts of the world, and numerous homes are not equipped with air-conditioning.


Cooling experts say that increased reliance on energy-guzzling air conditioning is not a sustainable solution. Conventional cooling devices, including air conditioners and refrigerators, already account for as much as 10% of all global greenhouse gas emissions, according to a World Bank report published in 2019. That amount is twice the emissions generated from aviation and sea travel combined, the report found.


文/Jenny Gross 譯/高詣軒