Multiple female fans ran on the court in Minnesota tonight! ????One fell onto the court right in front of KAT, then another got tackled by security ????Via. @SneakerReporter pic.twitter.com/g2iAfqMgto
無預警被交易到尼克的前「狼王」唐斯(Karl-Anthony Towns),今(20)日首度重返灰狼主場,明尼蘇達準備了致敬影片歡迎他,他賽前也與昔日好搭檔艾德華茲(Anthony Edwards)熱情擁抱,上半場卻遇到兩名穿着尼克配色的女球迷闖入場中鬧事,讓他相當無奈,不過他此役仍轟下32分、20籃板,三分5投5中,締造史上首見數據。
自2015年以選秀狀元之姿進入NBA,唐斯就一直披灰狼戰袍,上季他攜手「蟻人」艾德華茲、「法國巨塔」戈貝爾(Rudy Gobert)率隊闖入睽違20年的西區冠軍賽,未料本季開打前,他無預警被交易到尼克,震撼了全聯盟,今日是他離隊後首度重返明尼蘇達。
All love for KAT in Minny ❤️Karl-Anthony Towns got a tribute video and a massive ovation in his first game back in Minnesota since the Timberwolves traded him.???? @NBAonTNT pic.twitter.com/KsVJfTrPK4
A big night at Target Center as Karl-Anthony Towns plays his first game in Minneapolis since his trade to the Knicks, and it's already been emotional.KAT took time at the end of pregame to greet his dad Karl Sr. and former teammates Anthony Edwards and Rudy Gobert.@kare11 pic.twitter.com/4o2e5uIz4L
不過上半場終了前2分34秒,也出現令唐斯傻眼的一幕,當時他所效力的尼克以69比45領先灰狼,兩名穿着「尼克配色」的女球迷突然闖進場中, 穿着漁網襪的那一位還躺在地上看着「前狼王」唐斯,唐斯看起來相當無奈,最終兩位「不速之客」都被擡離現場。
A fan ran on the court in Minnesota. ????(via @SneakerReporter)pic.twitter.com/JhbNPDVHy7
唐斯此役最終以12投10中, 83%的命中率攻下32分、20籃板、6助攻,三分5投5中,外線命中率100%,正負值+31。根據統計,唐斯是NBA史上首位單場繳出至少30分、20 籃板並砍進5顆三分, 且三分球命中率100%的球員。
KAT had a dominant return to the Target Center!???? 32 PTS (10-12 FGM)???? 20 REB???? 6 AST???? 5 3PMHe becomes the FIRST player in NBA history to record 30+ PTS, 20+ REB, & 5 3PM on 80+ FG%. pic.twitter.com/OM2DAYPogI