歷經切耳手術 無耳貓Eddie從個性火爆變超黏人!



國外網站LoveMeow分享了一則故事,有一隻帶有鬥雞眼的流浪貓Eddie,一直以來是美國Mid Hudson動物庇護所志工追蹤與照顧的對象,牠原本生活街上,在被發現身體可能有狀況之後,立即被送往庇護所醫治

主人Jennifer Blakeslee說:「在2015年年初,Eddie做了耳道移除的手術,這使牠失去了聽力。此外,因爲牙齦狀態也不好,牙齒都潰爛了,因此牙齒也全都被拔掉。」沒想到做了手術後讓Eddie整個大改變。


原本個性火爆的牠並不讓任何人接近,手術後竟開始變得十分親近人,更幸運的是,牠正好在手術後遇見了收養人Jennifer Blakeslee。但事情並沒如想像中順利,之前手術時庇護所爲Eddie留下小小的耳朵,但卻發現牠會一直去抓,使耳朵常常紅腫,爲了防止以後變成囊腫,進而導致癌症,於是進行了耳朵移除手術。


YOU GUYSSSSSSSS! lookit this awesome video that @_porkchopthecat_ posted of me gumming for cookies with my toothless maw! there's really nothing more fabulous in this world than people who love cats, and porkchop's roomie and her friend @impeccable_blah made *my* human ridiculously happy simply by being here and hanging out with us. i couldn't hear a frikkin' thing of course but they all looked like they were laughing and having fun. everyone kept forgetting i'm deaf though, because, duh, #ilivewithnumnuts. but i cut 'em some slack because OMG COOKIES.

Eddie the Lilac Lion(@eddie_the_lilac_lion)張貼影片 於 2017 年 1月 月 7 6:54下午 PST 張貼