快訊/美國各大航空「官方網站」爆災情! 數千網友哀號

美國西南航空(Southwest Airlines)網站稍早爆出災情。(示意圖路透社



Hey there! We experienced some issues with our website a little early, but we're back up and running. Thanks for hanging in there with us! -Sarah

Downdetector指出,數千名網友通報西南航空(Southwest Airlines)網站出包,400多人通報達美航空( Delta Air Lines)網站出現問題。另外,美國航空(American Airlines)、聯合航空(United Airlines)網站也爆災情。

User reports indicate American Airlines is having problems since 12:44 AM EDT. https://t.co/Yu1ZYomonG RT if you're also having problems #AmericanAirlinesdown

User reports indicate United Airlines is having problems since 12:41 AM EDT. https://t.co/8kPlNv342o RT if you're also having problems #UnitedAirlinesdown



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