開箱你的英文素養力/說英文竟然被排擠? 弱勢者該如何獨立


111年國中英語會考的題組文章33 ~ 36題,敘述 Cameroon這個國家曾經被英國、法國統治過,因此法文跟英文都是官方語言,但是講英文的國民很難找到工作,還被要求講法文,



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🕮 official 官方的 government 政府

( ) 1. Which map is most likely the map of Cameroon in 1962?





🕮 likely 可能

( ) 2. What does lodging mean in the reading?

(A) Sad. (B) Angry. (C) Careful. (D) Worried.

( ) 3. What does Cameroon’s government most likely think of Ambazonia?

(A) It plans to do business with Ambazonia.

(B) It needs Ambazonia for money and help.

(C) It does not want to be part of Ambazonia.

(D) It does not agree that Ambazonia is a country.

( ) 4. What does Elisa Grant try to tell readers by talking about the history of Cameroon?

(A) Why speaking English is a way to get power.

(B) Why English speakers in Cameroon have less power.

(C) Why the two parts of Cameroon became one country.

(D) Why only 20% of the people in Cameroon speak English.


一起跟着 Yvonne 老師釐清Cameroon當地對說英文的態度吧!