火燒接駁巴士「只剩骨架」! 倫敦史坦斯特機場航班全數取消



英國倫敦史坦斯特機場(Stansted Airport)30日發生火燒車意外,一臺停在航廈前方的接駁巴士熊熊火焰包圍。目擊者表示,烈焰「完全摧毀」那臺巴士。消防員則說,機場大樓的正面幾乎全被濃煙損毀。火勢當地時間下午5時(臺灣時間31日凌晨0時)被撲滅,但機場仍宣佈30日午夜前的航班全數取消。


All flights cancelled at London Stansted Airport tonight after a bus fire outside the terminal building, police officers assisting all passengers to leave the airport. pic.twitter.com/5P4QwVShsi

All flights cancelled at @OurStansted tonight after a bus fire outside the terminal building, police officers assisting all passengers to leave the airport. Flights cancelled upto midnight essex police are evacuating the airport and advising passengers to check with their airline pic.twitter.com/DXJpipW79o



#UPDATE Following the earlier incident involving a shuttle bus fire on the terminal forecourt, we confirm that the Airport will be open tomorrow and flights are expected to operate as normal. Passengers are advised to check the latest flight information with their airlines.

▼ 倫敦史坦斯特機場(Stansted Airport)。(圖/達志影像美聯社
