放學看到走失愛犬在副駕駛座搖尾巴 男孩驚呆緊擁爆哭



I can’t even! Edited story for the curious! On November 18, we let our pug, Piper, out to go potty, and she didn’t come back when we called her. It had been a long two and a half weeks for my oldest two children, Carter and Natalie, thinking they would never see their puppy again. Piper was a very special gift for Carter’s 12th birthday: he had always wanted a black pug since he spent his baby years with another pug he loved very much -Oliver- who had to go live with another family while his baby brother was sick. We posted and shared and talked to neighbors, news venues, and community groups but as the days passed, our hope waned. But then, amazingly we got a message this Monday night that a dog that looked like Piper had been picked up and taken to the animal shelter. I was truly shocked. We had all resigned ourselves to the reality that she prolly wouldn’t come back. Lo and behold, it was her! Seeing her little tail wag as she came out from the back of the GeneseeCounty AnimalShelter where she had been so well taken can of, I lost it!! Carter and Natalie were out of town for a few days with their dads family, and so I hoped to make their reunions special. This video is no doubt the embodiment of that! It’s so amazing to see the love, and honestly the video says more than any words I could write. My son loves his dog so much, was sick while she was gone, and tonite she’s sleeping next to him again. What a Christmas miracle for our family and thank you to everyone who helped bring Piper home

Carter的媽媽April Elizabeth Licata表示,11月18日那天她讓Piper和另一隻狗狗到家門外廁所,但叫狗狗進屋時卻發現Piper失蹤了,「Piper是Carter的12歲生日禮物,Carter非常疼愛他的狗狗,而這漫長的2周半以來,孩子們認爲再也見不到Piper非常傷心,我也非常自責。」

April Elizabeth Licata12月2日晚上接到意外的來電,有人說撿到一隻像Piper的狗狗送到收容所,她馬上前往確認真的是Piper,「看到牠搖着尾巴興奮地跑過來,被照顧得很好,我真的如釋重負。」由於兒子Carter和女兒Natalie剛好到奶奶家玩,April Elizabeth Licata決定讓這個重逢變得更驚喜,她帶Piper去接Carter回家,並把兒子最真實的反應錄下來。


April Elizabeth Licata5日在臉書分享這段影片,許多網友也不禁跟着紅了眼眶,「看到Carter的反應好真實,他一定非常想念Piper。」、「開心的淚水最珍貴」、「我看了也跟着又笑又哭啦!」大家都爲提前到來的聖誕驚喜感動不已。



國王企鵝寶寶超巨大! 網友看傻:裡面確定沒裝人?►機場檢疫犬坐下討獎賞! 打開行李眼神「期待→落寞」萌炸►歐告全身包滿「染血紗布走路卡卡 網友以爲被虐...近看全笑了!



