鴯鶓跟驢子墜愛河!獲救後天天黏踢踢 連睡覺都要抱一起

▲形影不離的驢子鴯鶓。(圖/翻攝自Ins/Carolina Waterfowl Rescue)



根據外媒報導,驢子跟鴯鶓原本與主人一起住在南卡羅萊納州,但某一天主人留下家中所有的動物,包含雞、狗、貓和,驢子跟鴯鶓,隨後就莫名其妙的失蹤了。動物救援單位「卡羅萊納水鳥救援隊(Carolina Waterfowl Rescue)」將這些動物從無人的家中撤出,並把牠們通通帶到收容所裡。

「卡羅萊納水鳥救援隊」的觀察員珍妮佛(Jennifer Gordon)表示,被救出的驢子跟鴯鶓很特別,因爲牠們喜歡摟抱在一起,甚至是一起睡覺,而且如果把牠們分開,驢子會開始發出哭泣聲,鴯鶓則會開始變的瘋狂。該救援組織意識到,這兩隻小動物必須生活在一起,於是在社羣網路上尋找可以一次性收養牠們的單位,並且請網友幫牠們命名

We are excited to introduce Jack and Diane. A story where two creatures with different looks, backgrounds and even breeds learn to stand together, protect each other and love.

Carolina Waterfowl Rescue(@waterfowlrescue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 8 日 上午 6:47 張貼



Here is some videos of Jack and Diane. We are getting a lot if messages right now and ask that people interested in adopting email adopt@cwrescue.org the phone lines are for injured birds and they do not have information on animals for adoption. Media, you may use our pictures and video as long as you give us credit. We are amazed at how far reaching this story is!! Some other questions we are getting asked do the cussler or snuggle. While they huddled together for the trailer ride home donkeys and Emus by nature really dont cuddle ir snuggle. So you wont really see pictures of them doing this. We determined they were bonded based on the behaviour when they were separated. Also Jack attacked another donkey who got NEAR Diane. He is protective of her. We tried letting Diane near our emu Dino and we struck out again. Theybare perfectly.happy together. Jack does not want any other donkeys near him or Diane. They cant be housed with other donkeys or emus. I think all.the hoopla is tiring them out and we have asked for a break for them. This is a new place and they havent had a ton of human contact. They are friendly but not used to this traffic. Donations for their rescue and of other animals are greatly needed. Cwrescue.org/donate/ for info on donating.

Carolina Waterfowl Rescue(@waterfowlrescue)分享的貼文 於 PST 2018 年 11月 月 8 日 上午 11:42 張貼