ELLE/一種放閃的節奏! 王陽明愛的10大金句
Text/ Eva Photo/ Instagram,Facebook
臺灣第一帥王陽明自從和女友蔡詩芸宣佈訂婚的喜訊之後,仍然不斷在Instagram上放閃。最近蔡詩芸接受媒體訪問時還透露,正在籌備的新專輯中有一首歌《Pink sunflower》就是送給未來老公Sunny的情歌。
1. 祝妳生日快樂
「 Happy Birthday Dizzy! Wish you a joyous, healthy, and prosperous year. You are the most amazing and special person in this world to me. I'm so lucky you came back into my life. We will always be united by fate...you and me against the world Bubz 」
2. 我已經深深愛上了妳
不管有多遠 我都會在你身邊 每一天陪着你 愛着你當生命走到盡頭,無論妳在哪裡,我都會陪伴着妳,去見妳,我會找到妳,我會愛妳,我已經深深的愛上了妳。
「 When this life ends, I'll go wherever you are, To meet you, I'll find you, I'll love you, I've fallen fallen for you 」
3. 我好想妳
「 The clouds came tumbling down from "Such Great Heights"...☁️ It's thoughts like this that catch, My troubled head when you're away, When I am missing you to death.When you are out there on the road, For several weeks of shows,And when you scan the radio, I hope this song will guide you home.They will see us waving from such great heights, "Come down now," they'll say, But everything looks perfect fromfar away, "Come down now," but we'll stay... 」
4 . 女神!Luckyboyyy! 太幸運了 被困在一個有我女神的小島上
「 Stranded on a remote island with my Goddess. 」
5. One word 第一美
6. 情比金堅
我現在終於瞭解 "情比金堅" 的道理...我找到我女神了
「 Gold isn't the only treasure in this world. I found my Goddess 」
7. 牽手一輩子
「 Take my hand, smile, and never let go. Take me with you to the land of fairytales 」
8. 我的生命,我的一切
「 My Life, My Everything 」
9. 就算全世界與我爲敵...
「 Just me and you against the whole damn world... 」
10. 太多羨慕,太多嫉妒,太多恨。不在乎流言蜚語。把一切愛與恨都化成勇敢做自己的勇氣。
*本文由 ELLE Taiwan 報導,未經授權同意不得轉載*
.戀愛必勝法則 8招讓他爲妳瘋狂!