爸爸掰開鱷魚嘴救出牠! 查理王小獵犬獲聘當「警犬」
Meet Gunner! This 4-month-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel is the newest recruit to Deputy Dogs! Back in October, Gunner's owner, Richard, rescued him from the jaws of an alligator swimming in a nearby pond. Gunner's tenacity and fight for survival proves he's the perfect candidate as the Safety and Security Officer for Deputy Dogs!
美國佛羅里達州飼主Richard Wilbanks從鱷魚口中救出愛犬,這個故事傳遍全球,而獲救的查理王小獵犬Gunner也有了新的身分,牠受到當地警局The Lee County Sheriff’s Office聘用,未來將協助警長宣傳青少年安全等工作。
Richard Wilbanks日前與妻子帶着4個月大的Gunner到家後面的池塘散步,突然聽到愛犬哀號,轉頭便見到一隻鱷魚把狗拖下水面,他二話不說就跳進水裡,掰開鱷魚的嘴把愛犬救出,整個過程相當驚險。
這個故事傳遍全球,當地警局The Lee County Sheriff’s Officer決定聘用Gunner參與青少年安全教育宣導,成爲一隻「警犬」。聘任記者會中,Gunner別上警局犬徽章,警長Carmine Marceno也跟牠親密互動,希望一人一狗未來能成爲服務社會的好夥伴。
傲嬌爸半年變貓奴聽「喵界示愛法」狂擠眼 她曝3招SOP