A new Guinness World Record for Wing Chun has been set in Foshan City

On July 13th, 2024, the Guangdong Wing Chun Elite Competition and the International Wing Chun Warm-up Competition kicked off at the Citizen Square in Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Foshan City. The event spanned two days and drew participation from 55 teams within the Guangdong province, totaling 669 athletes, including 189 female competitors.

Notably, before the opening ceremony, a special event aimed at challenging the Guinness World Record for "Most people performing a single leg squat simultaneously" became one of the highlights of the competition. On the opening day, 300 participants dressed in yellow T-shirts performed a single-leg squat for 30 seconds under the guidance of staff members. Among the challengers, the youngest was six years old, and the oldest was 59 years old.

Yang Chunfan, a 59-year-old martial arts teacher from Foshan Lanshi Middle School, has been studying Wing Chun for nearly twenty years. In this event, he not only participated in the record-breaking challenge but also competed in the "Siu Nim Tao" competition. He expressed, "I participate in anything related to Wing Chun. I hope it can flourish and spread its influence."

In the end, the challenge was successful. It is understood that this marks another Guinness World Record related to Wing Chun for Shishan, following the demonstration by 3,167 Wing Chun enthusiasts in 2010.

It is reported that Shishan, the hometown of the legendary martial artist Yip Man, has always emphasized the inheritance and promotion of Wing Chun culture. In addition to establishing facilities such as the Yip Man Memorial Hall and the Wing Chun Sports Park, Shishan has also hosted prestigious events including the Foshan Wing Chun Traditional Chi Sao (Sticking Arms) Competition, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Wing Chun Elite Exchange Tournament, and the World Wing Chun Championship. These efforts have established Shishan as a major hub for Wing Chun enthusiasts worldwide.

In recent years, Shishan has been steadfastly promoting the "Three Advances of Wing Chun," bringing Wing Chun to villages, enterprises, and schools, thereby deepening its influence. Today, in Shishan, Wing Chun is active in every corner, practiced by people from elderly people to young children, becoming increasingly popular. Each year, tens of thousands of enthusiasts from around the world travel to Shishan to learn and pay homage to their roots in Wing Chun.



值得一提的是,揭幕戰前,特別設置的挑戰吉尼斯世界紀錄™“Most people performing a single leg squat simultaneously”(最多人同時單腿下蹲)環節成爲賽事的亮點之一。揭幕當天,300名身穿黃色T恤的選手在工作人員指引下,同時單腿下蹲30秒。300名挑戰者中,年齡最小的6歲,最大的爲59歲。





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