

Villa Radal is a single-family house in Långedrag west of the city of Gothenburg. The name of the place was first recorded in 1766, and then referred to a saltery and a fishing village to the west of Gothenburg. The great herring rush in the late 18th century contributed to the development of the village. But it was only when the tramway extended to the west in 1908 that a larger number of villas, both lavishly architect designed and smaller with a self-built character, began to be erected in the area.

這裡的環境擁有稀疏屬性,四周環繞着花園和公園。在奧斯伯格山坡上的這樣一個公園裡,海事新聞編輯弗裡茨 · 舍爾在1915年建造了一座別墅。房子周圍還建了一個公園式的花園,俯瞰周圍地區。

The environment has been characterized by sparsely developed plots surrounded by gardens and parks. By such a park, on the slopes of Osberg Hill, Maritime news editor Fritz Schéel erected a villa in 1915. A park-like garden was also built around the house overlooking the surrounding area.

在舍埃爾別墅的次要地塊上,矗立着 r 別墅。房子爬上 osberget 的北坡,關閉了附近封閉的橡樹林的最後一個出口。建築的一樓是磚砌的,二樓是玻璃的,可以看到周圍的樹冠。屋頂突出於圍護結構之上,並遵循周圍地形的角度。你從北邊進入 r 別墅,穿過一個小走廊,進入中央一樓的起居室。臥室圍繞着起居室,一箇中庭式的樓梯爲斜坡層帶來光線。

It is on a subplot from villa Schéel that villa R is erected. The house climbs Osberget's northern slope and closes the last opening to the neighborhood's enclosed oak-grove. The building has a bricked ground floor, and a glazed second story looking out into the surrounding canopy. The roof protrudes over the envelope and follows the angle of the surrounding terrain. You enter villa R from the north and are guided through a small hallway towards a central ground floor living room. Bedrooms surround the living room, and an atrium-like staircase brings light into the in-slope story.